God is on the move. We saw it in New York. We saw it in Corpus Christi. We see it in rehearsals and in our own lives. God is in the business of drawing people to himself through dance, and we are so humbled and excited to be a part of His plan.
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Dani in Steve Rook's "Bitter Earth" |
So far, it's been a busy season for us here at Ad Deum and our schedule is filling up quickly. We spent the past two weekends on the road for The Dance Gallery Festival in NYC and Bailando Dance Festival in Corpus Christi.
If only we had time to get together with all of you and sit down with a cup of tea and a slice of pumpkin bread to share stories of how the Holy Spirit moved during those festivals and even as we prepared for them. We'll suffice to say that we clearly felt the presence of the Lord when we danced and, based on what we heard from others watching performances or dancing with us in master classes, the Holy Spirit's presence was evident to them also, even if they didn't recognize that "something" as Him. It was truly an honor to know that God had moved in a way that only He can and that He chose to use us to do it! After all, that is exactly why we do what we do: to glorify our Abba Father and point others to Him in His redeeming love and overwhelming grace.
While in New York, we were blessed by a gathering of Christian dancers on Sunday afternoon. Not only did these dancers pray boldly on our behalf in the middle of the city in an area known as Hell's Kitchen, but they are also unapologetic in their faith, honoring the Lord in their prominent positions in which He has placed them in well-known companies throughout the city. We were blown away by the work God is doing there. He has not given up on New York City and He has clearly not given up on using the arts to reach the people He loves so much.
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Hard at work in rehearsal for "Sacrifice" |
As we continue to prepare for a busy month of performing, we work with a renewed awareness that what we do matters because God is in it. We may not always see the big picture; every pliƩ may not seem like it has a lasting effect on eternity; every bleeding toe may not feel directly connected to showing the love of God; and every forsaken load of laundry after a busy weekend may not boast of the hope we have in Christ; but it all matters. Oh, friend, it does matter.
You see, God is on the move and He's using all those who are willing. You may wonder if it really makes a difference to get up and drag your sore muscles into the studio every day, and you may wonder how anyone will learn more about Christ through your faithful training in and dedication to your craft. However, God knows how all the hard work and sacrifices are working together as He draws all people unto himself.
These past couple of weekends, we have been greatly encouraged by the opportunity to see how God is moving in the arts world, the dance world in particular. If there's one thing we would want to share with you during an afternoon tea it is to be encouraged. Be "steadfast" and "immovable". Continue to do whatever it is God is calling you to do in whatever place He is calling you to do it. You may not see it right now, but God knows all the details; He knows just how many people, dancers, are going through the same daily grind as you are; and He knows the great impact we all make when we unite for the same purpose: to honor and glorify Him.
As we all continue to take class, rehearse, perform, and love what we do, we hope to see you soon to share stories and encourage one another with a reminder that what we do every day really does matter for eternity.